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7 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi, like I said would be happy to grab those Look bindings off ya for shipping + donation! Awesome idea btw good on you.
  2. View Conversation
    Wow man, that's a tasty setup. Its probably all the exact size for me too. I have never tele' d before, so before I venture out I need to get the knee dropping down. I'll most likely have start at a local hill here in Northern NY, and 110mm underfoot is bigger than my alpine setup ( bacons/barons ), plus, my wife's gear meter is pegged, but I could tell her I painted my

    Thanks for the reply, its a fair price too.
    I' m drooling a little
  3. View Conversation
    Great guy, bought a mat from him, super quick shipment.
  4. View Conversation
    Hi meadow skipper. Just wondering, is that Grizzly Peak as your Avatar?
  5. View Conversation
    Yo man! Saw your shout out about stopping in to say hello. You patrol at SSF, correct? What's your name? Mine is ... uh... Brian!
  6. View Conversation
    Hey Meadow Skipper,

    RE: Tess's Ascension I'm a returned Peace Corps Volunteer and we don't go on "missions". We are posted for two years of service. I guess I just feel like nitpicking. I might be there, but am thinknig about going to Silverton, as they opened their unguided season a week early!
  7. View Conversation
    Hi. Bob? Hope so. This is Tom, who you sold those Scarpa boots to this week. The reason I'm contacting you as a new comer to TGR, instead of via TTips, is that I somehow hosed up access to my account there. All my contact info for you was in TTips. All I had in hard copy was your name. I remembered you told me what your user name is here (I think, I hope). So I registered and messed around long enough to figure how to get PM privledges so I could contact you.... NOW With that out of the way... I have no problem with the boots. Just making sure you have no problem with my check. If you do have a problem, you had no way to get in touch with me, till I dreamed up this scheme using TGR. Now I expect the check to clear no sweat, but if there is a problem, and you try to PM me at TTips. It would seem like I had just dropped out of sight. I don't want to rip you off, even inadvertantly. Anyway, please respond and let me know that: A) you got this mssge; B) it went to the right guy. Thanks
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About Meadow Skipper

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About Meadow Skipper
I like interesting things.
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seeing that you came by to visit my profile



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