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  1. View Conversation
    No problem on teh waiting, I will check my email in the morning.
  2. View Conversation
    What jig you need??? I just had the same shit go down, had to find the damn trolia jig, PHD only. Took a bottle of knob for three mounts, not too bad.
  3. View Conversation
    Hey you take paypal, i got extra money in there. Or else I gotta wait till next Monday. Pm me your # again.
  4. View Conversation
    I called about this one
    Around 4000 mi with new pistons and has cosmetic damage.

    I emailed on this one and it has 3500 and the trailer is 450 extra in helena.

    Either way they will both blow up.
  5. View Conversation
    was ur # ???
  6. View Conversation
    you dirty hippy, lets make a deal on those STLs. You know I want 'em. Hows the thesis????
  7. View Conversation
    yo shredness
    fyi a disc golf course is goin in behind outdoor warehouse place off 19th on tsache lane- kinda lame, small piece of land, 12holes w/dual tees each & lots of OB but no trees (thanks city of bzmn)
    local discers also set up at the battle ridge campground sometimes but can't leave it there due to forest service roolz... my (older school) buddies and I throw the ulty discs on a fun golf track through msu campus (tough for me after throwin golf discs so much) we'll be there 9/23-10/11 so maybe Ill PM ya a teetime then, off hours are best for the pedestrian factor...
    also saw this-
    Big Sky Resort tourney
    Hey all! Big Sky Resort will be hosting their second annual tourney on August 30th at 3pm. This will be a doubles scramble (play one team score, both of you throw from the best disc), choose your partner, and there will be a few prizes, and cash money up for grabs. The new course is up Andesite Mountain, and you ride the Ramcharger lift up to start, and play down to the base area. There are 18 holes, some baskets, some poles, and the last 10 holes are brutal. But super fun, nonetheless. The best part about this tourney, is it's only 15 dollars, and that includes your lift ride to hole one, and it gets you a ticket to a sweet concert in the plaza that will be taking place very shortly after the tourney. The bands are Melvin Seals and the JGB (former members of the Jerry Garcia Band, and a guy who sounds hauntingly like Jerry), and Moonalice ( a conglomeration of artists from Hot Tuna, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and GE Smith from the Saturday Night Live band). The tickets to the concert are supposed to be 25 bucks, so we are getting a super deal. We will also try to put out some package deals that will include hotel rooms, I'll keep you posted.

    SO COME ON OUT! August 30th! 3pm. Big Sky Resort plaza base area!

    Also, some of us have been trying to get a new course built in the meadow in the Community Park, and if things go as planned, we'll have a nine hole course in down there by the time of the tourney, and we'll do something fun down there on Sunday. Hope to see you all!

    anyway too much time bein mr mom- passin along what I know of the bozone scene...
    later, joe
  8. View Conversation
    Bwahahhahahhahahahhahaha You suck!
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