Also you can text or call me at 801-718-2530 if that’s more convenient
Hey, I’m not super familiar with tgr pm’s so I’m not quite sure if all my messages are going through but ya I would be pumped to grab those skis from ya. Shipping preference is just whatever is cheapest. My address is Thor Hedin 3313 Coronet Dr Salt Lake City UT 84124 I can pay you with Venmo or PayPal or whatever you prefer. Just let me know. Thanks again!!
A quick backstory. I’m kinda desperate for some 189 toons at the moment. I’m heading on an ak camping mission in a couple weeks and just completely blew out the edge on my current pon2oons. It’s my alltime favorite ak ski and I’ve been having no luck finding a replacement. If they are still available, I’m happy to throw some extra loot your way for your troubles. $150 + shipping work for you?? You’d be helping me out big time!!
Hey if those pon2oons are still available I’d be happy to grab um off of ya!
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