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  1. Bila lidah salah bicara
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    Seo bagi blogger Ajib adalah lifestyle lifestyle on the net adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular
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    Hey Butt Fuckable - please post once somewhere besides Polyasshat Loser or Padded Room. All the other forums are almost completely devoid of stupid ass losers like you. I didn't think I'd miss it, but I do. I know you can do it - there's a first time for everything!

    -yer pal jer
  3. Cliff - you've got the most kick-ass message rack on TGR!

    Props to you, my friend!
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    So why is it bad to pick up dogs?
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About Cliff Huckable

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"Active management in bear markets tends to outperform. Unfortunately, investors are not as elated with relative returns when they are negative. But it does support the argument that active management adds value." -- independent fund analyst Peter Loach


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02-13-2010 10:09 PM
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03-26-2009 07:33 PM
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