Yo Gary, My PayPal is ev13@hotmail.com. PayPal converted $2 US as $3 Cdn so you can send me that.
You were right I got king crow mixed up with Shred Kelly ... I am gona blame it on the sobriety, but it was a shit kicking good time with a sellout crowd many from PR & terrace apparently so you kacked yer leg which means no shussboomer? Everything is hammered here, hows shames holding up should I try and convince Jay &/or lotahr to do a road trip down west ? al
resending the resend I suck at driving computers Doug had a sprained ankle so Jay asked Pat, I don't think you knew Pat Demarias, a really good guy who had worked with Jay up in NWT, Pat always had his shit together a great carpenter he could build you anything and actualy he told me once he wasn't really crazy about going out living in camps Jay asked Pat and he went but if he had been busy Jay probably would have asked me and I would have gone for sure Lothar seen Jay 2nite sez he seems OK , Jay also was talking to my GF tonite she sez he seems OK but he's not looking forward to facing Pats wife Phillipa and Jay realizes he is still gona face some delayed stress shit or SFT they were up on the seabridge KSM project locating drill holes, they had crossed a wind loaded gulley and were crossing back when it let go, Jay managed to swim out but Pat was swept over a cliff and died instantly Thats about all I can tell you,al
Heyy you mentioned that you have some friends who took the Adventure Guide Program at Thompson Rivers. One of my main questions is how hard is it to get accepted into the program. Like what experiences or certs did they have before they applied. The Coordinator said like 150 apply and they only take 30. What kind of jobs did the others end up in that didn't become guides. And how much does this course go into the buisness side of the ski industry? sorry for so many questions Im just planning next next year. Thanks alot!!!!
whoops, didn't think there could be 2 fat mikes in calgary who ski. my bad. fyi burnie is a back-country chalet halfway between terrace and smithers bc. heli-access. cheers, gary.
WTF is the Burnie?? Sure you got the right guy??
Thanks, better late than never, as they say. I got a pair of the regular Goode 95s and have been enjoying them, but would like to go a little longer and wider, so I thought the 106s whould be perfect, but there do not seem to be too many people skiing them. I'm a big guy (215 lbs.), and I'm trying to figure out if the BCs would be too soft. It took me a little while to get used to them, but I am really starting to like the flex on mine. I have had mine on everything from boilderplate to 20" of light new, and they have handled it all with no problems.
Thought this might be easier. Do you have the regular or BC 106s, and what do you think of them?
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