Ice, Need some advice and don't want to cunt up a wrong forum. I got burned in gear swap by a mag. I sent the money, got the run around, and now nada response. It was only 30 bucks, but being out of work at the moment it stings. Says he works at Big Sky. How can I flame this MF or do I let it slide. Thanks man.
Post it out bro ++++++ vibeages
post it out bro +++ Vibeges
post it out bro +++ vibes
What the hell? I just noticed the avatar too...
Nah it's a photo of Stowe village with Mt. Mansfield in the background. It's my new goal, to get back to NE for permanent, and the Stowe area is where I want to be.
It makes you look all cheerful, now. Weird. (But please tell me it's not a Thomas Kincade painting....)
Yeah it is. I wondered if anyone would notice.
Is this the first time you've had an avatar?
hey! we're in DC next Tues and Weds and staying at Tippster's one of those nights. would you and yours be interested in meeting for dinner? Let me know if a certain night is better... would be great to see you! I'm pushing for ethnic food- Vietnamese perhaps?
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