what a Fun afternoon!Pow turns, mmmmmmmmmmm- did a full cartwheel under lower little cloud, but skied it out #smileyfacejust hoping i didnt push too...
SLC mags will figure something out ... too bad the Cliff isn't $199 anymore, there has been some maggot shenanigans there in the past. I'll be...
canvas painting/fine art,thrash metal/mosh pits,coffee& t.om h. c.hrist
sgt d & the s o d
Best moment in Life:
either alta face shots,or exodus pit in 91(warfield,Ca.)on 3 hits of lsd
ski paintingshttp://michael-cuozzo.fineartamerica.com" horror has a face; you must make a friend of horror...horror and moral terror.. are your friends...if not, they are enemies to be feared...the horror"....col Kurtz