Hey, thanks for the response on the frame bindings. Do you know the BSL range they support? And how much would you want for them?
Yo Phatty, Garmisch is a OK place to ski. It’s definitely not a massive euro area but it has its charms! Not a lot of snow in the last weeks but crowds are down and the groomers have been all time. It’s warming up now so we will see what that does to the snow. Classic area is good for running gondola laps, my favorite thing to do up there. Zugspitze is our glacier area and has amazing views and should have great corn skiing. You mentioned using the train and we are really attractive that way for someone staying in Munich. Zugspitze.de has details. Let me know if you decide to head this way, if I don’t have to work I’d be happy to show you around. Just get a hold of me via here if you have any further questions Cory
Hey. Your inbox is full so I can't reply to your message. Shoot me an email at kylea@kittenfactoryskis.com and I can get you more info on the chairmans. -Kyle
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