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    Hey Tone,
    The other day you asked about cycling intensity (but deleted the post?). I saw my PT last Friday and my surgeon today and asked them the same thing, since I'm getting tired of cycling at 75% max HR.

    My PT said at 3 months the graft is at its weakest and strengthens rapidly until becoming full strength at month 4. I'm at 2.5 months, but on Friday she really upped my strength regimen (single leg presses, single leg ball squats, ball leg curls), which is way harder than my easy cycling. I really felt worked, but she's a stickler for good technique. Today my surgeon said I could increase bicycling intensity, including hills, but just make sure to stay biomechanically correct. So, I'm going to work harder on my bike, but will stay in the saddle and make sure to keep good form.

    Hope your recovery is going well.

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    ahhh don't think so, don't know. these are the homebuilts.
    mine are more a Rastafari ragamuffin steez
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"The skis just popped me up out of the snow and I went screaming down the hill on a high better than any heroin junkie." She Ra


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