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  1. I can't tell you exactly whats going without seeing you, and pain in this region can originate from several different structures (ie: muscle, bone). If you do fine with other sports and don't have pain during the off season then it's reasonable to assume you pain may come from boots pushing on a spot. Mark the area on your leg with a marker, then grind or blow the boot out at that spot. You can also get moldable liners and mold then to your leg with a "bubble" at the location you have pain which should take pressure off. If you come to Utah this season go see Earl at the Sports Loft. He's as good as it gets.
  2. View Conversation
    I just read this thread about pain from the lateral side of the lower leg while skiing. [ame=""]Lower Leg Tendon and Ankle Pain from boots - Teton Gravity Research Forums[/ame]
    I read that you claim this is a common problem. I have had the last 2 sesions partly destroyed because of this problem. My pain is 15cm above the anklebumb, and it is so painfull that it is immpossible to ski with. I now have converted from telemark and have got boots from Surefoot but it does not go away. I am also in the Olympiccenter for atletes here in Oslo, Norway and they are tryin to figure me out. I have had plenty of exerciseprograms and two shots of cortison, nothing helps.

    Would you consider to post me some links to relatet articles, or give me some advise on what to do, I would really appreciate it. I refuse to resign as a skier just yet, and I am going to Squaw and to Utah this february.
    I am sorry for my poor english.

    Cheers, Carl Roters.
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