I could imagine lots of Canadians switching to spending the winter in Mexico. I was in Baja in March a few years ago and there seemed to be a lot of...
Thanks Carlh. We're definitely going to check out a Leaf and maybe a Bolt, but there aren't any on Turo around us, so it's more of a PITA. Of course,...
Yeah, they don't have Corolla reliability for sure. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a 10-year old Corolla (other than not wanting a Corolla, haha), but a...
Mrs. PDX and I have an Outback (legally required for Portland residents) and now thinking about adding a city car. We'd probably never take this car...
Remember, this is the guy that tried to orchestrate a coup. He'll do anything he thinks he can get away with. I can tell you that if he tries to roll...
Dude, these turds with the American flags on their trucks live on Chinese crap bought at Walmart. It's 100% performative, 0% willing to actually keep...
Fuck man, someone upthread suggested Canada could join the US, swing the electoral college and the House blue forever and fix our shit. Then vote to...