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  1. View Conversation
    Hey, I saw an old message of yours saying you were getting hold of some of the 195 S7s - did that ever work out? How do you like them? My rep is checking out pricing for me right now but it seems pretty much the perfect ski for what I'm looking for. Do you know if it's any stiffer than the standard 188? It has a separate stock code to the other lengths which seems weird. I'll be more pow-jibbing than charging on this so I'm hoping still nice and soft.
  2. View Conversation
    skideeppow, I was looking on the old thread re unwieghted vs weighted and saw your post. I have a pair of orthotics, customized to fit my ski boots which were molded unweighted and have worked fine for several years. I have now added aftermarket liners and am being told not to ski in orthotics but in more flexible ski specific custom foot beds. One shop says weighted other unweighted. So I am confused. Is this a load of bunk to get me to buy new foot beds or is there really a difference between ski boot footbeds and shoe orthotics? I know you say molding unweighted is the way to go, what about the footbed itself? Any light you could shed on this would be great. Cheers.
  3. View Conversation
    can you please recommend a good bootfitter in the denver/summit county area? ill be in the neighborhood for roughly a week and am looking for a comfy setup. thanks.
  4. thanks, fed ex groud is good. Still dont have your check but not too worried.
  5. View Conversation
    another good transaction with skideeppow. thanks for the pantalones mang.
  6. View Conversation
    I vouch for skideeppow - bought a pair of head im103s from him a couple years ago. Gear as described, prompt shipping, great seller.
  7. thats a loaded message, whats wrong iwth me, according to my lady everything.
    But here is my history. l5/s1 lamenectomy done by donald corenmand at stead mand hawkins in vail. Very succesful. I now have herniated l4/l5 left side and have had 2 cortisone injeections at that level. The MRI is ugly. The injections helped. Is had been about 6 or 7 weeks since the injections and i have been getting back into my routine and i went waterskiing, and fucked it up again. Un believable pain but no loss of strength in my leg or sciatica, but at the level of l4/l5 it hurts. I can only sit for a couple minutes and standing has not been an option.
    THis happened a week ago tonight. I have been swmming and that loosens it up and gets rid of the pain for a little bit.
    MY ? is, a third cortizone injenction then I will get on a core program to really strengthen the transvers and multifidus as well as large muscles. What do you think about the 3rd shot in about 3 months? Really bad? I am having a hard time functioning because of the pain
  8. I have several guys at our hospital that do backs only. What is wrong with your?
  9. hey, call me at 775.232.2221

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March 28, 1968 (56)


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