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    Hi, I'm Matt. Thanks for the invite to go for a ride a few weeks back. Sorry it took me 6 weeks to get back to you, I've been out of town with work.

    Any chance you are going for a ride and would like to meet up?
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    Nice post-race coverage on the Urban DH, Ryan. You make the event sound so RAD! That must make you awesome too!

    Too bad the photos are a complete uncredited rip-off from used without my permission. WTF?

    Seriously, WTF? Just the way TRG rolls?

    Beyond Lame.

    Pick up the phone and call me - 406 577 6740 - let me know where to send the bill.


    Bob Allen
  3. Hey mags - I'm the Associate Editor here at TGR and handle a lot of the website content that we publish on the "homepage" - you know, that thing over there. Aside from my own writing and posting duties, I also hang out in here a lot and am always looking to work with mags who put out awesome trip reports and other shit and want to see it on the homepage. There is a ton of wild, amazing, hilarious, and crazy shit that goes on in these forums and I think it all needs more visibility. Feel free to hit me up anytime with a private message or at my official interweb account - ryan dot dunfee at tetongravity dot com.
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    Hi Ryan - We're working on a snow/avalanche exhibit for a visitor center project in Driggs, to be opening this summer. Part of the concept is to give visitors the avalanche "experience" via video, through a series of clips that show someone stepping onto a slope, having it crack around them, immersed in an avalanche, and then cutting away to footage of a big slide. I've found a couple of segments, but could use some more help, and it occurred to me that who better to ask for help on this than TGR.

    If you're interested, call or email me and we can talk in further detail.

    Dan Powers
    Mayor, City of Driggs
  5. View Conversation
    Ryan: I need a favor. I work/live with Dave Weber in Talkeertna/Denali. When you see him can you tell him, "Dad says, 'What's up son." He should get a chuckle. My name is Robert. He's my buddy. Thanks. I'm coming to Jackson in March. Beverage on me at Dornan's.
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About WaistDeepGroomers

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About WaistDeepGroomers
The Wilds of Maine
Skiing, Surfing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Camping
Not crashing on my bike, pretending to do a lot of skinning, wishing I could do flatspins, getting skunked wherever I move
Best moment in Life:
Realizing it actually snowed more than 150" a year in other parts of the world when I was 15
Former Managing Editor of, continuing amateur mag.


"We're in the eye of a shiticane here Julian, and Ricky's a low shit system!" - Jim Lahey, RIP

Former Managing Editor @ TGR, forever mag.


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10-21-2014 10:45 PM
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10-28-2024 08:16 AM
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