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Conversation Between Crystal_Mt_Dreamin and QuikR12

7 Visitor Messages

  1. What's up homey, when are you headed back?
  2. "I am stoked to build a relationship with these local boyz."

    I had my hunches about you....not judgin', just sayin'
  3. Dude, it's French, did you REALLY expect it to stand up to punishment?? You slightly challenged it and it threw up a white flag - par for the course
  4. Never borrow or buy a bike from this guy... he'll send you home on some french made piece of shit that will completely break down 1 block away, which turns a nice drunken ride into a miserable billigerent cussing push up a long hill.
  5. watch out for this dude, will get you out drinking then take your donut while you talk to the cops! shady if you ask me.
  6. just got ur damn visitor msg, i'm down for beers whenever wherever
  7. whatup mang? lets grab some beers this afternoon, or tomorrow.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7