Conversation Between klar and Lani

10 Visitor Messages

  1. cows don't fall over so easily and it wasn't me chasing the sheep. you know nothing. and you're old
  2. I'm 29 you cow-tipping sheep-chasing comedian.
  3. i am wise beyond my years. how old are you? 58?

    some snow left but hasn't really been freezing for the last 2 weeks.
  4. holy shit you're young!

    not much snow left in AT?
  5. nerdage distinctly lacks narcism. and i'm jealous but you know that.
  6. hellz yeah i skied my big-n-steep thing. few pictures here until i have time for proper narcissistic nerdage:
  7. i do understand, it's a very complicated concept.

    much obliged for the kelvin wave. did you ski your big 'n steep thing?
  8. you'll have to excuse me. i'm slow and slow to adapt to these new technologies.

    one kelvin wave, coming your way.
  9. export snow by triggering a decent kelvin wave in the atlantic ocean, wait for results. do this with some regularity and you will be famous. the lanisky circulation will be right up there with walker and the hadley cell.

    if we are to communicate via this new feature, it helps if you post your visitor messages on my profile, not yours. honey.
  10. i hate you. you don't need all that snow, give me some.

    i need to go back here soon.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10