Conversation Between khyber.pass and BrianH

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey khyber.pass, saw your post on the Alpinist thread. You going to Logan?

    I've done some ski mountaineering, a week in the Selkirks at the huts, and AAC class on Mt. Baker, some guided climbing in Peru, Europe and and on my own climbed Cotopaxi with a partner.

    Logan seems doable if I brush up on my winter camping skills and glacier travel.

    I had major surgery last May (4th surgery for a chronic shoulder dislocation). It took more out of me then I expected. It's true once your past 45, the body takes longer to recover! My hard climbing days (such as they were) are over, but I've still got a lot of mountaineering left. This Spring I plan to ski some of the PNW volcanoes. Shasta really calls out to me, then next Spring I'd like to fly in to Logan and have at her.

    Don't know where you are, but I'm planning to visit a friend who lives in Ymir towards the end of Feb. Are you in or near BC?
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