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TGR Presents

November 02, 2021
Haydn Kino

Wien, Vienna, Austria

Event Details

  • What:Wien premiere of Stoke the Fire
  • When:Tuesday, November 2nd. Doors open at 7:00, Stoke the Fire showing at 8:00
  • Where:Haydn Kino
  • How Much:Tickets are € 12,00 , on sale now!
  • Details:Join us to get hyped for winter with our new feature length ski and snowboard film, Stoke The Fire

Event Description

Get ready, Wien! TGR is coming to Haydn Kino for the winter kick-off party of the year. Join us to get hyped for winter with our new feature length ski and snowboard film, Stoke The Fire.

About the film: TGR’s 26th annual film release “Stoke The Fire” explores our athlete’s evolution within skiing and the pure joy that stems from that process. Stoke manifests itself in different ways - for many it comes from committing to a new world, a lifestyle, and the friendships that blossom from that commitment. The choice to enter this world is a spark, and with every new experience the fire grows. With more knowledge comes more exploration, both physically and mentally, that helps us to reignite and keep that stoke burning; to drive us to push further and further into our exploration with nature and the limits of our own abilities. While the answers we find are different for everyone, the pursuit of this evolution is something sacred, the pursuit is what stokes the fire.


  • Haydn Kino
    Wien, Vienna Austria