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Rogue Elements (Fall 2017)

About Rogue Elements

Since the dawn of time, everything that has lived and breathed on this planet has been subject to the whims of Mother Nature. The nature of an adventurer is inherently rogue; typically wild in character, subject to the fancy of their imagination. We are unequivocally drawn to nature’s rawest fury and deepest mysteries. These are the irreverent souls who pursue the edge.

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In the winter of 2017, the magnitude of winter's force was on full display. Telephone-pole-snapping storms pounded the Wyoming landscape. Regions to the west, recently left arid and forgotten, were gifted with unprecedented accumulation. Blizzards in Europe buried towns in an instant before disappearing just as fast, leaving the lucky few who were there to wonder if it even happened. A Bolivian expedition found grace above 18,000 feet before the elements went rogue and the humans reluctantly heeded warnings from above.

Join the TGR team as they embark on an adventure filled with fury and glory, and witness the unimaginable. Presented by REI.

Trailer song: "Free Animal" by Foreign Air

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