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In Pursuit of Soul (2021)

About In Pursuit of Soul

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What do you remember about your first experience skiing or snowboarding? That moment will look very different for many of us, but that memory all condenses into one thing: soul. 

Teton Gravity Research's newest short film, In Pursuit of Soul explores the fiercely authentic culture of independent resort towns across the country, while meeting the people that call those mountains home - the true soul of skiing and snowboarding. Follow along as we visit and explore 12 independent resorts from East Coast classics to hidden gems in the Mountain West that are the beating heart of the winter community. In Pursuit of Soul lets us showcase a different, important side of the industry.

Latest from In Pursuit of Soul

IPOS: 49 Degrees North
IPOS: Cannon Mountain
IPOS: Mission Ridge
IPOS: Black Mountain
IPOS: Brundage Mountain
IPOS: Saddleback
IPOS: Lost Trail

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