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Sander Hadley’s Edit Reminds Us Why We Love Skiing

Sander Hadley skis for the right reasons. Whether it be an escape from a challenging reality, channeling of anger into something productive, or a means to grieve a lost loved one, skiing can be so much more than a sport. Sander's incredibly 2014-2015 touches on just that. 

RELATED: Man Gives Up Office Job to Ski 178 Summits.

Often times ski edits focus on just the stomped landings, the banger pow shots, and the general stoke, so it's refreshing to see an edit that lifts the veil even just slightly. From the gnarly crashes to the inevitable frustrations, Sander highlights the tangible accomplishments of skiing and the reward that comes with it, and in this case, the coping mechanisms that can be found in the mountains. 

About The Author

stash member Hillary Saunders

Professional weekend warrior.