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59 Cameras, Little Green Men, And One Hell of a Rube Goldberg-Style Bike Shoot

It's a running joke in action sports how obnoxious the explosion of POV cameras has been, to the point where you can expect at least one Halloween costume a year that features all the POV cameras one's friends owns mounted to their helmet/appendages/wrists. But Brendan Fairclough and unReal rider Stevie Smith took it to the next level by orchestrating an entire Rube Goldberg-style film shoot with almost 60 Sony Action Cams and zero cinematographers. Glide cams, overhead shots, panning shots, and even Nerf rocket angles were triggered by riding through, over, and onto a variety of clever triggers that kept cameras on the pair the whole way down their DH run. We only imagine how many takes this might have occupied...

Check out all 16 episodes of the Sony Action Cam Dream Capture series here!

This is by far one of the coolest ways to use Action Cams I have ever seen.
Not only the level of talent these dudes have in order to execute the run down the hill but the production of it all and then even getting all that footage synced in their editing software of choice.
Major props.

I agree, this is such a cool way to show what those cameras can do. Loved the Rube Goldberg nature of the whole thing.

About The Author

stash member Ryan Dunfee

Former Managing Editor at Teton Gravity Research, current Senior Contributor, current professional hippy at the Sierra Club, and avid weekend recreationalist.