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Thread: Fuckass drivers

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by stuckathuntermtn View Post
    Like I said, everyone here just slams on their brakes when they see a bike. It's kinda annoying, even as a cyclist. Right of way here is totally fucked. Nobody knows how to use a damn turning circle, people invent stop signs, and stupid shit like that.
    I think that is a common problem. I have that problem here alot. I will be stopping at a stop sign and drivers on the main drag will stop and stare at me. WTF? Seriously dumbass drive the fuck away before you get both of us killed. They eventually get the picture that I am having nothing to do with their ignorance once I come to a complete stop. Four-way stops and roundabouts are just a shit show. Slightly hilarious until you realize that how sad it really is.

    I think bikes perform hypnosis on those who do not understand what they are for. As soon as dumbass drivers see them they go all ape shit. Either they stop like a moron or they just simply panic. Either way it is ridiculous. I expect to witness a total brain-fuck incident everytime I get on my bike. I like to get disappointed in that regard but rarely am.

    Every new driver should be required to ride a bike down the most god-forsaken busy ass street nearby. Force their asses to ride for a good 10-15 miles a day for at least two weeks to get a good feel of what it is like to deal with the ignorance. Maybe it would not help but some sort of driver/cyclist element should be part of driver ed.

  2. #52
    Join Date
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    Missoula, MT
    It's sweet when one side of the street stops and the other side doesn't. Great way to get/get someone hit.
    No longer stuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by stuckathuntermtn View Post
    Just an uneducated guess.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by acinpdx View Post
    Is that advice or a threat?
    I can't tell

    Either way, it's ignorant
    Bikes are not just "allowed" on the road. They are legal vehicles; they are supposed to be ON the road, not the sidewalk.
    Both and their is such thing as a mountain bike.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Missoula, MT
    dude, have you ever heard of riding your bike somewhere? It's often nicer than driving, it can even be faster.
    No longer stuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by stuckathuntermtn View Post
    Just an uneducated guess.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Not to mention riding your bike places adds money to the economy as opposed to cars which produce a net economic loss...

    Also imagine this for a're driving along and this fuckwit crashes into you and then drives off. How would you feel about it?

    Same situation. It gets discussed differently because it involves cyclists and as discussed above, no one quite knows what to do with cyclists on the road, but it's the same as any other hit and run with cars, really.

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Hidden Valley
    Seriously, people on here can say whatever the fuck they want but the fact of the matter is: if you hit someone while your driving (another car, another person, a cyclist, whatever) you need to stop and be a humane person. It doesn't matter who was wrong or right in the accident, you don't just dive away like this fuckass did. Makes me sick, just happy the POS got arrested.

  7. #57
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    King Ridge
    Quote Originally Posted by Shogun View Post
    Seriously, people on here can say whatever the fuck they want but the fact of the matter is: if you hit someone while your driving (another car, another person, a cyclist, whatever) you need to stop and be a humane person. It doesn't matter who was wrong or right in the accident, you don't just dive away like this fuckass did. Makes me sick, just happy the POS got arrested.
    Good point Shogun.

  8. #58
    Join Date
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    south lake tahoe
    Looks Like the driver was arrested for hit and run and....suspected heroin possession?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    This video was on the Today show this morning.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    here and there
    This is why I only mtn bike. Looks like the riders were ok despite the mirror to the ass.
    watch out for snakes

  11. #61
    Hugh Conway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by OverTurn View Post
    Not to mention riding your bike places adds money to the economy as opposed to cars which produce a net economic loss...
    yeah, don't get your econ info from critical mass

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    50 miles E of Paradise
    Here's another recent example of extreme driver retardation. She hits and runs over someone walking his bike in the crosswalk, then keeps on going! Said she thought she hit the curb when turning right.
    A man was run over in Chandler by a woman who continued driving and later made a stop to go shopping, officials said.

    Sgt. Joe Favazzo, a Chandler Police spokesman, said a 69-year-old woman stopped at a light at the intersection of Chandler Boulevard and Price Road late Saturday afternoon.

    Police said the woman unknowingly ran over a man, 18, who got off his bike to push it across the street.

    "The SUV stopped at Chandler Boulevard to make a right hand turn onto Price," Favazzo said. "She looks to the left, not paying attention to the right. And he gets swept under the car, and she thinks she hit the curb and continues on, running over the man with her back tires."

    The woman continued driving down the street and parked at a Famous Footwear shoe store, where she went in to go shopping.

    "She had no idea she just ran a person over," he said.

    The man was taken to the hospital with a broken clavicle.

    "He had non-life threatening injuries, but he did have tire prints over his abdomen," he said.

    Favazzo said officials are leaning toward not filing criminal charges against the woman.

    "It's hard to say what they will do. She might be given a citation," he said. "This was really and truly an accident. It was a tragic event, and a good reminder to look both ways and always be vigilant."

    Officials did not release the names of the driver or the victim.
    The cops' decision to call this an accident and not file charges is insane. This is why I don't ride on the road anymore, even here in "bike-friendly" Portland

  13. #63
    Join Date
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    Hell Track
    Quote Originally Posted by telebobski View Post
    The cops' decision to call this an accident and not file charges is insane. This is why I don't ride on the road anymore, even here in "bike-friendly" Portland
    I'm fine with not throwing her in jail, but her license needs to be taken away and she needs to pay a hefty fine. Clearly that woman is not lucid enough to be driving a 3000 lb piece of metal.

    As a general statement, it should be way easier to lose your drivers license in this country, and the penalty for driving without one should be far higher.

  14. #64
    Join Date
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    Whitefish, MT
    Glad they caught the fucker. He was undoubtedly in the wrong.

    I personally don't ride road bikes but I still can't see how this is anything but completely haneous driving. The driver had to be at least 4 feet into the breakdown lane. Unreal.
    Last edited by TwinTipTele; 04-30-2012 at 03:52 PM.

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Conway View Post
    yeah, don't get your econ info from critical mass
    Not from critical mass, from the City of Copenhagen, Denmark. is not the source, they link you to the source in the article.

    I also agree with toast. People seem to think that having a drivers license is their right. It's not. It's a privilege granted when you prove you can safely and responsibly operate a motor vehicle around other people. People like the two people in the articles mentioned here. are definitely proving they don't deserve that privilege.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm not blaming the bikers and I'm glad the driver's been arrested. My point is simply, that even when bikers follow all the rules (or even just most of the rules), they can get hit, and when they do get hit, it can be pretty high consequence. All the hand wringing and tsk-tsk-tisking isn't going to change the laws of physics.

    I would love to see more bike only pavement in cities and towns.

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TomCrac View Post
    Saw this on the news and wondered if they would get him or not. I guess the parole thing, drugs and gun ammo explain his reluctance to stop... You'd think most people in that situation would drive more carefully, but then again, I suppose if you weren't an idiot, you wouldn't be in that situation.

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